
Agora Köln is a wide, diverse and local non-profit organisation, which is legally represented by Institut Cultura 1 e.V.. Agora Köln is engaged in the movement for a sustainable city of Cologne. It aims for a good, social, equitable and environmental friendly lifestyle in the sense of ‘buen vivir’ and forms an innovative alliance among of about 130 players in the area of sustainability, civil society, culture and regional economy.
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Crossing Borders (CB) is a non-profit, non-partisan civil society organization. The vision of CB is a world in peace with itself in which diversity is celebrated. The mission is to create dialogue space toward such a world and to build the capacity of youth, media workers and educators realize the above vision. The overall goal is to enable people with different backgrounds to learn to live together on equal terms.
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Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) is one of the most innovative schools in Europe. It has 2000 students (ages 5 to 18 years old) and 250 teachers in different disciplines. Established in 1995, the Research and Development Department of EA is guiding the introduction of innovation in the school setting. The R&D Department acts as an interface between the pedagogical research, the technological innovation and the school community.
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COSV is a non-profit association founded in 1968, with headquarters in Milan and engaged in development projects in Europe, Balkans, Southern Africa and Middle East. COSV operates for peace, human rights respect and environment protection, through inclusive development paths built on partnership and networking approach, to enhance local realities and create a proven long-lasting impact.
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Comparative Research Network ( is a Europe-wide network of trainers, researchers, learners and activists, founded in 2007. Our Network is specialized in training and research within the fields of intercultural competences, intergenerational learning, mobilities, migration, citizen participation, urban diversity.
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CFR Vigo is a public centre for teachers’ continuing education in Vigo, Spain. The centre is part of the autonomical network of teachers’ centres sustained by the Consellería de Educación(CEUFP), Xunta de Galicia (the Galician Regional Government). CFR Vigo supports 286 schools from all pre-university levels : preschool, primary, secondary and high-school and VET in the south of Galicia.
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People’s Voice Media is a NGO based in Salford in Manchester that works across Europe. PVM was founded in 1995 and we specialise in supporting people to have a voice. In 2013 we were recognized as being one of the top 50 digital leaders in the UK.
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